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3 Amazing Gardening Tricks With Eminence

If you love organic skin care and you love gardening - well, it’s time to bring these two great passions together. Ready to kick off the growing season with gusto? Here are three surprising tricks for using our products and accessories to cultivate your own personal Eden: 

Once you’ve popped out your new Sun Defense Minerals all-in-one brush, what do you do with the beautiful wooden box it came in? You could turn it into a cute pencil caseOr for gardeners getting an early start on the season, the Sun Defense Minerals box is perfect for holding Jiffy pots or peat pellets for growing seedlings. Just remove the sliding cover and foam insert, line the inside of the box with something waterproof, and place in several pots or hydrated peat pellets. You’re now ready to grow some indoor sprouts in a stylish wood box. 

If you’ve seen us at an industry trade show, you’ll recognize the signature jute bags that we give away to visitors. We choose bags made out of jute because it is entirely biodegradable, compostable and even more hardwearing. Not only is jute useful, it’s an incredible plant that grows easily, and absorbs more carbon dioxide and releases more oxygen than trees (Green Clean Guide) . 

Our gardening fans will be surprised to discover that there is one more benefit from our versatile jute bags - they are first-rate containers for a variety of plants. Jute bags work well because the burlap retains moisture while the open weave allows for good drainage and for air to circulate freely through the soil. Doug Marquette of spa equipment supplier Matrix Fitness, swears by our jute bags for his healthy tomato plants, but we’ve discovered the bags work well with all kinds of garden essentials, including strawberries, herbs, lettuce and potatoes. 

To plant in one of our jute bags, fill it with good quality potting soil, place the bag in an area which allows for water to drain out the bottom, and stabilize the bag so it won’t fall over easily. Plant with seeds or sprouts and you’re ready to go for the growing season.

(No room for a jute bag plant? Read our guide for planting a tiny stone crop succulent in an Eminence jar). 

As part of our green practices, we ship all our products with biodegradable packing peanuts made out of cornstarch instead of styrofoam. These non-toxic packing peanuts dissolve easily in warm water and will even disintegrate in soil or your compost bin. For gardeners, the cornstarch content in these sustainable packing peanuts can actually fertilize your plants. Starches spur the release of plant nutrients in the soil, making biodegradable packing peanuts a natural (and unexpected!) fertilizer for your garden.

To fertilize using biodegradable packing peanuts, dissolve the peanuts in a watering can filled with water (use warm water for a quicker dissolve), stir until the starch has completely dissolved, then water your plants as normal. 

Which gardening trick will you be using this season for your plants?