Grow your own stone crop plant in an Eminence jar | Eminence Organic Skin Care Skip to main content
Two displays of a variety of potted stone crop plants.

Grow your own stone crop plant in an Eminence jar

What to do with your empty Eminence product jar you ask? Why not transform it into a cute little home for a tiny little stone crop plant?

Here's how to DIY:

Materials Needed:

  • 1 or 2 Stone Crop Leaves
  • Eminence Jar (either an 8oz or 2oz Jar)
  • Soil
  • Rocks or Gravel
  • Twine (Optional)


  • Grab a fallen leaf or carefully pluck a leaf from a stone crop plant. Make sure that the bud is dry and clean—set aside.
  • Clean out your Eminence jar of any residual product and leave to dry.
  • Once dried, add rocks or gravel to the bottom of your jar to ensure proper drainage. One layer should do it
  • Cover the rocks with soil—making sure that it is loose and aerated. This is important for when the stone crop leaf begins to root.
  • Around the mouth of the jar, wind some twine and tie it into a bow for a rustic touch!
  • Lay your stone crop leaves on top of the soil—there’s no need to bury the leaves in the soil.
  • Lightly water the soil near the end of the stone crop leaf bud. Do not overwater—let the soil dry up before watering again.

Enjoy your new stone crop plant!