Global Wellness Day: What Does Wellness Mean To These Experts
The word “wellness” is everywhere but what exactly does it mean? Inspired by Global Wellness Day, Eminence Organic Skin Care has asked experts in three areas of wellness - fitness, skin care and nutrition - to define what wellness means to them. Read on for these wonderful tips on how to lead a more healthy, balanced life.
What is Global Wellness Day?
Happening Saturday June 9, Global Wellness Day “is an entirely not-for-profit day, a social project dedicated to living well…[that] ask[s] the question, even if for just one day, ‘How can I live a healthier and better life?’” Celebrating is easy. With a commitment to health and organic living, the Eminence Organics central office in Vancouver, Canada will celebrate Global Wellness Day with fresh organic produce and fruit-infused water stations for all staff members. To inspire your wellness journey, we’ve asked our panel of experts to share their knowledge on living well.
Fitness Expert Betina Gozo
Eminence Organics friend and fan Betina Gozo is no stranger to healthy living. A Nike Master Trainer and winner of Women’s Health magazine’s Next Fitness Star 2017, Betina is passionate about meditation, organic living and, of course, working out.
How do you define wellness?
I define “wellness” as a holistic way of life that makes you feel good. It’s the way you treat your mind and body, from being conscientious about what you put on and in your body, how you keep it moving and even how you recover from a stressful week, or how you think about yourself and love yourself.
What is your number one tip for incorporating wellness into how you work out?
Always celebrate your small victories. It’s great to have a big goal that is going to challenge you, but that positive mindset will keep you going and motivated!
How will you be celebrating Global Wellness Day?
I will first do a workout, refuel with some good food, then spend the day in nature with my pup and partner so that we can reset from the busy week!
Skin Care Expert Natalie Pergar
Eminence Organics Lead Skin Care Trainer, Natalie Pergar truly needs no introduction. You have likely seen her as the flawless face of In The Mix, as well as co-hosting our Facebook Live videos. With 23 years of industry experience, and over 10 years with Eminence Organics, Natalie shares the same values that we passionately abide by.
How do you define wellness?
Wellness is something that can get lost in the hustle and bustle of today. I believe that we are all capable of achieving it if we just take time to breathe and decided what is important. Balance is a word that comes to mind and is subjective to each of us, so, for me, balance is a continual practice that needs to be checked in on daily; Did I eat real food today? Did I move today? Did I feel good about my work today? And most of all, did I laugh and make someone smile today? Life is just lighter when wellness is involved!
What is your number one tip for incorporating wellness into your skin care routine?
I never miss a beat when it comes to taking time for self care. An example of this is having a great skin care routine to follow each morning and night. Though I love to change up my product selections according to what my skin needs, I follow the same steps: cleanser, toner, serum, eye cream and moisturizer twice a day - and then one to three times a week add extra love with a mask and exfoliation. Nothing is better than a clean face to start and end my day.
How will you be celebrating Global Wellness Day?
Though living in Vancouver makes every day a wellness day, I’ll more than likely be spending time in my community, running/walking around the sea wall with a few stops at local events and eating a wonderful organic dinner on Granville Island with friends…yummy
Nutrition Expert Mikaela Reuben
As an accomplished culinary nutritionist and health consultant, Mikaela Reuben has worked with stars like Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson and Woody Harrelson. Already a fan of Eminence Organics, we are absolutely thrilled to have Mikaela join our panel of wellness experts to share her knowledgeable insight on happiness and health.
How do you define wellness?
I think wellness is a way of living which actually has more to do with balance than anything. Wellness to me is when health is considered in one way or another in all moments, but when the healthy option cannot be achieved, there is self forgiveness. Life is to be enjoyed and I think health is negated when stress is present. So by my definition, wellness is a balanced approach to healthy living.
What is your number one tip for incorporating wellness into what you eat?
My number one tip would be to make sure that the majority of each plate is always made up of vegetables and leafy greens! This would ensure adequate nutrients and fiber are present in the diet. Eating a high fiber diet helps to create feelings of satiation, keeps digestion healthy and promotes detoxification. Eating an array of vegetables also provides the body with many necessary nutrients required for optimal functioning!
How will you be celebrating Global Wellness Day?
I will be on Maui!! One of my favorite places on earth. I plan on being in the ocean and going to the farmers markets. I stay in Paia where there is a natural swimming pool made out of the rocks in the ocean, next to a big sandy hill. We run the hill and swim and then cook fresh food! I cannot wait.
Thank you so much to our wonderful panel of experts for sharing their thoughts on incorporating wellness into your daily life. How do you plan on celebrating Global Wellness Day? Let us know in the comments below and share with us on social media.
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