How To Fix Your Red, Dry Skin | Eminence Organic Skin Care Skip to main content

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How To Fix Your Red, Dry Skin

When temperatures spike (or plummet), and changing weather thrashes our complexions, the switch in seasons is never an easy transition for the skin. Moving from season to season can provoke your complexion to rebel, manifesting itself as red, dry skin on your face. If you’re struggling with irritated, dry skin during this time of the year, our Lead Skin Care Trainer, Natalie Pergar, has the best Eminence Organics anti-redness tips to soothe your face. Watch this In The Mix video and find out how to calm your red, dry skin and bring back a dewy, hydrated complexion.  

Video Transcription

Hi, I'm Natalie with Eminence Organic Skin Care, and welcome to another episode of In the Mix. Today is going to be all about any of you who are suffering with dry skin and have redness. This is going to be a great mix for you for that type of care. And I'm thinking, as the weather changes and any time there's a season change, or you're going to different types of climates, the skin is going to react in that way. And dryness is one of those things that does tend to happen.  

How To Fix Dry, Red Skin With Eminence Organics

So we're going to be using one of our classics -  our Linden Calendula Treatment. And of course, one of our other soon-to-be classic is our Yellow Sweet Clover Anti-Redness Masque.

1. Eminence Organics Linden Calendula Treatment

So what we always want to do is use our Linden Calendula Treatment cream, nice and bright. Look at that gorgeous color from the flowers themselves. Now linden and calendula together are both great ingredients to be using to help with bringing down any redness due to dryness in the skin. And it's also going to leave the skin deeply moisturized. So it's going to give you that plump effect.  Eminence Organics Linden Calendula Treatment

2. Eminence Organics Yellow Sweet Clover Anti-Redness Masque

And then we have our gorgeous Yellow Sweet Clover Anti-Redness Masque. A little bit of a different container, because it comes from our Biodynamic®  Collection. And the blend in here from the sweet red clover also is going to soothe the redness that you do get from dry skin as well.Eminence Organics Yellow Sweet Clover Anti-Redness Masque

How To Apply

It's up to you how you want to put these two little guys together. I love the smell of the Yellow Sweet Clover Anti-Redness Masque. Now you're thinking, “Natalie, it's a mask. What are you talking about?” It's a cream-based mask as you can see here. So it's going to have that great texture. And you want to spread it all over the face. And this is why I like to use it first. So I want to massage it into my skin. And again, all the way from the forehead and straight down across the decollete area and massage it in very well because we also get dryness in the neck and in the chest area. So we really want to make sure that is also taken care of. And you want to massage it through. I actually like to massage this one in until it's almost all the way absorbed. That way then you're getting that mask benefit and the moisturizer benefit to it.  

And then you want to go ahead and use the Linden Calendula Treatment cream and you want to place it over the top. And again, massage this beautiful treatment into the skin. Don't forget your neck and your chest as well. And you can see, you get this beautiful, dewy and hydrated effect to your skin.

Dry Vs. Dehydrated Skin

Not sure whether your skin is dry or dehydrated? Dehydrated skin is a temporary condition where the skin is not adequately retaining water. Dry skin is a skin type where your skin does not produce an adequate amount of oil. If you’re suffering from dehydrated skin, you may find your skin feels itchy, sensitive, dull and you can see more fine lines and wrinkles than usual.

Keen to learn more about these soothing skin care products? Visit our spa locator and find out more at your nearest authorized Eminence Organics partner spa. If you suffer from red, dry skin, let us know your tips in the comments or share with us on social media.