4 Ways To Overhaul Your Skin Care for Spring! | Eminence Organic Skin Care Skip to main content

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4 Ways To Overhaul Your Skin Care for Spring!

Spring is officially here - and after months of short days, cold weather and blustery skin-drying winds, your chapped and dull-looking winter skin is ready to renew and reawaken to its full spring potential!

To help recover from the winter skin blahs, it’s time to swap out your cold weather beauty products with something that’s more suited to spring conditions.

“CHANGES in weather can wreak havoc upon the skin, and the arrival of a new season is the perfect time to reassess your beauty regime accordingly,” says Lisa Niven from Vogue Magazine.

With that advice in mind, we have 4 tips to help your skin “spring” beautifully into the season ahead:

1. Add moisture and hydration to the skin

The winter elements tend to draw moisture from the skin and spring is the perfect time to make up for lost hydration. During the winter months, a heavy moisturizer works but in warmer (and more humid) weather, you may want to opt for a light-weight moisturizer. To add moisture back into tired and dry skin, we recommend our Sweet Red Rose Whip Moisturizer which adds a medium finish and works well with normal to dry and even sensitive skin types. 

2. Consider changing up your cleanser 

The cleanser you use to combat winter skin woes may not be the best choice for spring.

According to Hello Magazine, “your skin care routine in spring should be aimed at recuperating the vitality of your epidermis from the effects of winter and protecting it from future cold-weather assaults. Cleansing milk and other skin-renovating cosmetics can be helpful”. 

A light milk cleanser like our Sweet Red Rose Cleanser adds moisture back into the skin and is gentle enough to combat sensitivities that might have been brought on by harsh winter conditions. 

3. Apply daily SPF protection

After months of cabin fever, you’re finally able to get outside into the warmth and sunshine. Vitamin D is important to your health and wellbeing so we encourage you to take advantage of those rays, but don't forget to also protect your skin with a daily SPF moisturizer. We recommend our Tropical Vanilla Day Cream SPF 32 (face) and our Tropical Vanilla Body SPF 32.

4. Moisturize & exfoliate your whole body

After months of covering yourself in sweaters, scarves and wool socks - there are many areas of your body in need of a spring makeover.

“Knees, elbows, heels, and toes can also suffer from a winter in boots -- where too often...what we don't see, we neglect"(WebMd). 

To treat the overlooked areas of your body, we suggest an all-over exfoliant like our Coconut Sugar Scrub which removes dry skin while adding moisture and nourishment back into the skin.

Are you looking to add more products to your spring skin care routine? Visit our Spring Selections page for inspiration. 

Plus share your own spring skin care tips with us - tell us in the comments below or tweet us at @eminenceorganic.

Happy Spring!